Your Local Home for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Discover Ways San Diego Center Can Support You With EFT
At the San Diego Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (SDEFT), our events and trainings are all designed to support the growing EFT community in San Diego. We host our programs throughout the greater San Diego area, and extend special rates to our SDEFT members as well as to early registrants.
To learn more about our upcoming programs join our mailing list to receive up to date lists or see the badges below. If you’re interested in joining our supportive community of therapists, please visit our Become A Member Page. If you’re new to EFT and looking to begin your training get in touch with a local supervisor or trainer by going to the Find A Therapist page, just search by training designation or you can see what supervision groups are available by clicking here. You can also visit our affiliated training site TRI EFT Alliant to learn about EFT externships, EFT Core Skills Training.
Upcoming Events
Quarterly Networking and Learning Event
Working With EFT and Neurodivergent Clients
In-Person and Online
Consider Being A Member: Benefits of Membership
San Diego, like several other cities in the US and Canada, has a local center to support the study and practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy. The Center was founded in 2007 to promote the learning and practice of EFT, to develop and support an active community of EFT practitioners, and to connect couples to EFT therapists and related resources. Community development is supported through the volunteer efforts of many practitioners; together we create fun and educational events, provide successful couple, individual and family therapy, have a strong referral network and provide opportunities for professional development.
Community Support
Form new relationships with other therapists in the EFT community to help you grow, implement and hone your EFT techniques.
More Online Visibility
Help couples find out about you, your private practice and your EFT training by being listed in our therapist directory
Future Events in San Diego
Stay up to date on the latest local events for networking, support and trainings, plus find and connect with EFT supervisors and trainers.
Referral Support
Meet others who privilege attachment and experiential therapy so you know who to refer to and how you can be a source of support for others who need to make referrals.
More About Emotionally Focused Therapy
Of couples who use Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements.
EFT or Emotionally Focused Therapy offers couples, families and individuals a relatively-short, structured path to solving their relationship problems. Dr. Sue Johnson created EFT in the early 1980s as a way to help partners find their way back to love and happiness from her work with Process Experiential Therapy. Since then Dr. Johnson has continued to develop the model, adding attachment theory as foundational to the mix, helping therapists and couples to best understand what is happening in their relationships.
Today EFT is used around the world in private practice, university training centers, hospital clinics and other therapeutic settings. The use of the model is rapidly growing, because it works. Research shows that more than 70 percent of couples who try EFT move from distress to recovery, and about 90 percent show significant improvement. Problems distressed couples address in the sessions include depression, sexual difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorders and chronic illness.
Strengths of Emotionally Focused Therapy
- EFT is collaborative and respectful of clients. It is a combination of experiential Rogerian techniques with structural systemic interventions.
- Change strategies and interventions are specified.
- Key moves and moments in the change process have been mapped into nine steps and three change events.
- EFT has been validated by over 20 years of empirical research. There is also research on the change processes and predictors of success.
- EFT has been applied to many different kinds of problems and populations.
Goals of Emotionally Focused Therapy
To expand and re-organize key emotional responses – the music of the attachment dance.
To create a shift in partners’ interactional positions and initiate new cycles of interaction.
To foster the creation of a secure bond between partners
Further reading:
EFT Resources and LinksResources and Links
EFT Research, updated 2015
EFT Status, 1999
The Power of Monogamy: 10 Surprising Claims Regarding Modern Love
Attachment Theory in Practice
Learn about Emotionally Focused Therapy and how it can improve your practice across all modalities with this ground-breaking book by Dr. Sue Johnson. Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT with Individuals, Couples and Families.
Dr. Sue Johnson
You can learn to use attachment theory in your practice through our training events.
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Dr. Sue Johnson provides a brief summary of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). This leading edge, empirically validated form of therapy which is taught all over the world. EFT is based on the last 50 years of scientific research on bonding: bonding between mother and child and romantic bonds between partners. EFT provides a map to what matters in intimate relationships: how they work, how they go wrong, and what is needed to put them right.